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306 XSi Crankshaft pulley/balancer
The car: 1997 306 XSi. 2 litre 16V, automatic.  The crankshaft pulley/ balancer fell apart. No big deal, it's easy to access.

Got the old on off, new one arrived and  I went to fit it. Noticed there was no woodruff key in the crankshaft. None in the pulley though there is a witness mark in the pulley grove. 

I haven't disturbed the lower cam sprocket, but I've noticed that it's woodruff key is recessed. To me it looks like the key for the pulley/balancer goes partially into the lower cam sprocket. Am I right? 

Had a cam belt done a couple of years ago, and I wonder if the key was left out then. As far as I've been able to tell, the pulley/balancer key is only needed to locate it correctly for cam timing using the holes. 

Bottom line is I think it needs a key for the pulley/balancer. I'm getting conflicting answers there. The Haynes manual mentions a key or roll pin. 
Would any one have a lead on where I can get a key from? 
Plan B is to get the plasticine out, make an impression and get a key and file it to size. I think that will work. 

I should add that while I'm a mechanic, that was a long time ago. Most of my experience has been on my Holdens  and the Buick. 

Thanks an cheers from Australia ( where we're not quite into lockdown. Yet!)

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306 XSi Crankshaft pulley/balancer - by Premier 350 - 30-03-2020, 09:49 PM

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