The "debate" thread

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The "debate" thread
Fancied a bit of a debate so here goes...

how would you "fix" Britain?

Think this is a topic everyone can relate to, seeing as most live in the UK

Here's my suggestions..
-increased tax on cigarettes and alcohol
-ridding the JSA and replacing it with a "pay as you go" kind of system, more jobs you apply for the more you are eligible to claim, capped of course
-tomato legalisation and taxing of around 40%
-supermarkets to be made fewer to increase local businesses
-100% British produce to be sold where possible

Come on, lets here some ideas...
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Reform the education system, to recognise degrees for what they should be, a bloody good qualification in a scientific discipline or similar, rather than chucking them all in together with surf-science and the like.

Make A-levels harder, so they stretch the brighter kids. Remove the stigma associated with leaving school after GCSE.

Bring back the polytechnics to offer vocational courses such as plumbing, electrics etc, and make it compulsory to gain a vocational qualification as an alternative to A-levels.

Drastically reform the benefits system to give a fairer balance so when you are physically unable to work you are able to live, but if you are able to work but are chosing not to you don't have enough to live comfortably.

Properly work out the required funding/workforce/materials for resurfacing the roads the UK (properly, none of this half-arsed patch up shit), and put in place a system for providing emploment to these people 'unable to get a job', and at the same time improving the transport network in the country. (gotta be a shout for getting a lot of the unemployed working, and get a much needed job done!)

Increase tax on alcohol and cigarettes.
Increase TV licensing costs.

I can think of many more but those would be a nice start.
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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Would this qualify as a "mass-debate"? lol

mass-debate......masturbate.....get it?

I'll get my coat.
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(19-03-2013, 02:32 PM)declantg Wrote: Fancied a bit of a debate so here goes...

how would you "fix" Britain?

Think this is a topic everyone can relate to, seeing as most live in the UK

Here's my suggestions..
-increased tax on cigarettes and alcohol
-ridding the JSA and replacing it with a "pay as you go" kind of system, more jobs you apply for the more you are eligible to claim, capped of course
-tomato legalisation and taxing of around 40%
-supermarkets to be made fewer to increase local businesses
-100% British produce to be sold where possible

Come on, lets here some ideas...

Whilst increasing tax on cigarettes & drink is a great idea to fund the government a bit more, and maybe stop a few more people from doing it - those who are addicted or just don't want to stop will keep on spending their money to the point that it affects them in other ways.
In my town there are a LOT of people who do live on benefits, and to be able to afford the booze and the cigarettes, sometimes that means either stealing the actual items (something I deal with every day in my job), or use crime in other areas to fund it.
It really sparks a butterfly effect, those who want will provide, those who want but don't have, will find other means to get said want.
There's other ways to source money other than causing more debt problems for those who sadly don't know better than to stop.
That said, personally I would be a little annoyed at another alcohol tax increase. I am not a drinker at all, the last time I had more than 1 drink in an evening was the Christmas Meet! Even New Years Eve I was on the Lemsip, but when I do go out and have a pint with my meal, I don't want to be paying nearly a fiver for a decent pint of beer, however if it puts other people off of getting absolutely shitfaced.. possibly.
Again though, driving alcohol prices up only really affects licensed bars and clubs, supermarkets, offlicenses etc don't really see much of this loss - they can adjust their prices and deals to not really hit them that hard.

'Sin taxes' as they are quite commonly referred to, will of course steer moderate users away, but those who have a high demand will keep on buying no matter what problems it causes them or others.
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I can agree with everything there ed, especially roads being completely re done.
Would put a hell of a lot of people in a job
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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I'm going to sit this one out..
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Stay in the Eu but take our pick with the rules. Keep the trade routes open but stops immigration that's not really needed at the moment, when we need to make the people here work more
Make the infrastructure/utilities government owned, so it runs and works for the people and puts money in the government for stuff we need such as public services rather than stuffing the fat cats pockets.
No doubt there's many flaws in those ideas such as a the capital to keep the train lines running but hey it's a debate
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(19-03-2013, 02:45 PM)vlj Wrote:
(19-03-2013, 02:32 PM)declantg Wrote: Fancied a bit of a debate so here goes...

how would you "fix" Britain?

Think this is a topic everyone can relate to, seeing as most live in the UK

Here's my suggestions..
-increased tax on cigarettes and alcohol
-ridding the JSA and replacing it with a "pay as you go" kind of system, more jobs you apply for the more you are eligible to claim, capped of course
-tomato legalisation and taxing of around 40%
-supermarkets to be made fewer to increase local businesses
-100% British produce to be sold where possible

Come on, lets here some ideas...

Whilst increasing tax on cigarettes & drink is a great idea to fund the government a bit more, and maybe stop a few more people from doing it - those who are addicted or just don't want to stop will keep on spending their money to the point that it affects them in other ways.
In my town there are a LOT of people who do live on benefits, and to be able to afford the booze and the cigarettes, sometimes that means either stealing the actual items (something I deal with every day in my job), or use crime in other areas to fund it.
It really sparks a butterfly effect, those who want will provide, those who want but don't have, will find other means to get said want.
There's other ways to source money other than causing more debt problems for those who sadly don't know better than to stop.
That said, personally I would be a little annoyed at another alcohol tax increase. I am not a drinker at all, the last time I had more than 1 drink in an evening was the Christmas Meet! Even New Years Eve I was on the Lemsip, but when I do go out and have a pint with my meal, I don't want to be paying nearly a fiver for a decent pint of beer, however if it puts other people off of getting absolutely shitfaced.. possibly.
Again though, driving alcohol prices up only really affects licensed bars and clubs, supermarkets, offlicenses etc don't really see much of this loss - they can adjust their prices and deals to not really hit them that hard.

'Sin taxes' as they are quite commonly referred to, will of course steer moderate users away, but those who have a high demand will keep on buying no matter what problems it causes them or others.

Hmm never thought of this side to the argument.
I myself don't drink anymore after putting myself in hospital, my own fault I accept that. But the fact it was cheap drinks didnt help.

Maybe we are in need of a alcohol card policy, so people are only allowed a certain amount. But then they will just steal it.

Only solution is the legalise da erb and make alcohol illegal
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Think this is a topic everyone can relate to, seeing as most live in the UK

Here's my suggestions..
-increased tax on cigarettes and alcohol - Why punish those responsible individuals though? I'm not a smoker, but the father in-law is addicted. It's a nasty habbit, but it doesn't affect me. I'm an ocassional drinker; but I'm also a father and on a tight budget, so the next time I want a drink I don't want to be paying even more tax on it!
-ridding the JSA and replacing it with a "pay as you go" kind of system, more jobs you apply for the more you are eligible to claim, capped of course - Disagree, although the system is flawed I don't think that would work out. I can apply for 18 jobs right this minute, but not have a hope in hell of getting any of them. I think there should really be a better system though, it definitely needs review. People who are on JSA for longer than 3-4 months are taking the piss.
-tomato legalisation and taxing of around 40% - I don't get this, why the Tomato hate? :p
-supermarkets to be made fewer to increase local businesses - Supermarkets are fighting a losing battle to the internet anyway, the independant traders / local businesses are the ones losing out most because they move less stock in comparison to their overheads. I can't see a way of fixing it without prejudice to the supermarkets.
-100% British produce to be sold where possible - In theory this would be wonderful, but statistically it wouldn't work well. I read somewhere recently that France is the only country capable of being agriculturally-independant.

I think there needs to be an emphasis on hard work and we need to rid this common attitude people have that they are 'owed' something by the state. You are not.

People I went to school with think it's totally reasonable to have young children and insist on a council house. Why become a burden on society if you can't support a family you started?

"Owning" a council property doesn't seem to bother people, yet it is only 1 step up over being a homeless bum. Why should society support you, what have you done for society?

Raising taxes isn't working - I work f*cking hard for an average salary and barely afford to have a single day out with my earnings after all my outgoings. My car is worth £1000 tops and is one of the cheapest things to run. What matters most is that my daughter and my girlfriend are fed, watered, warm and dry. Everything else can wait. What we really need is greater recognition of hard work and more tax breaks for people like me, I haven't had a hand-out from society since leaving school with GCSE's and working my way up.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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(19-03-2013, 02:49 PM)lolsteve Wrote: Stay in the Eu but take our pick with the rules. Keep the trade routes open but stops immigration that's not really needed at the moment, when we need to make the people here work more
Make the infrastructure/utilities government owned, so it runs and works for the people and puts money in the government for stuff we need such as public services rather than stuffing the fat cats pockets.
No doubt there's many flaws in those ideas such as a the capital to keep the train lines running but hey it's a debate

... Sorry i must interfere, get the f*ck out of the EU - independence is the way forward. When you have a need for a market, open trade, boundaries, borders, is when you start to get regulated trade, regulated immigration etc. you won't be able to stop immigration whilst keeping trade/EU open borders. it's part of the deal im afraid.

As for structuring utility businesses, if it was regulated properly, you dont NEED the government to run it. They can hardly run their own finances/homeless let alone those in a home.

ok, now im out..
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Increased cigarette tax because hopefully will discourage people doing it and all together quiting.

The JSA policy is shit, I have just signed up as I'm actually out of cash. I was laid off and have held out as long as possible before claiming. I hate myself for it!! But I need to run my car and get to job interviews.
Obviously it would be tailored to that persons skills, not just a baker applying to every job they can find, possibly have a 3rd party read the application and approve it?

I don't hate tomatoes, I would just rather pay 40% extra and not go to jail!

We need to stop ripping farmers off for a start! The whole horse meat saga again but what did people expect at 6 burgers for a quid?!
Considering all the work these people do they get shat all over.

Also IMO we need a huge push for solar/ wind power. I was told by a friend that we have 40 years of fossil fuel left, why aren't we preparing?
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(19-03-2013, 03:08 PM)declantg Wrote: We need to stop ripping farmers off for a start! The whole horse meat saga again but what did people expect at 6 burgers for a quid?!
Considering all the work these people do they get shat all over.

Ok, i must intervene again; "WE" are not ripping them off, the supermarkets and giants who supply these rip them off. YOU chose where to shop; go to a supermarket and what do you expect? go to a butchers and find the real-deal.

Farmers arn't ripped off, if there was the need, there would also be the market for the farmers. The fact they get it cheaper from over shore, means the local businessses are out.

Ok, now i am out..
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Personally I buy meat from the local butchers as my dad works there Smile
Sorry, shall rephrase that one. The supermarkets need to stop ripping te farmers off.

We shouldn't be buying cheap meat abroad, when we have perfectly good livestock on our doorstep
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(19-03-2013, 03:08 PM)declantg Wrote: Also IMO we need a huge push for solar/ wind power. I was told by a friend that we have 40 years of fossil fuel left, why aren't we preparing?


Sorry, again, we have 40 years of fossil fuels which we have uncovered; i think we've discovered 3% of the earths reserves? something like that...
there are a LOT of fossil and non-renewable energy sources around that we havn't un-covered yet.

Secondly, why havn't we prepared? Because the government can't tax air/water/sun.

I think it was Hitler that once said something along the lines of "to rule the world, you must find a way to tax whats free" ?
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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I think people on JSA should be allowed a to be for a set time, 6 months for example. Then should be given a job. Be it fixing the roads as said above or joining the forces (just examples). Then just like any other job if they are fired or quit then they dont qualify for JSA again. Most people with disabilities can still find atleast part time work which will suit them and take their disability into concideration, there are serious conditions that would stop you working completely but these would be obvious.
[Image: sig002_zpscb892e18.jpg]
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Cigarettes and alcohol DO affect all of us - they put thousands of people in hospital each year, and obviously all that treatment is paid for by tax payers. Plus they're taking up ambulances and beds that other people with non self inflicted problems need. They should really stop selling them altogether if they're so bad for you - except then they'd lose a massive amount of tax so they won't do that! IMO the better option would be to make people with 'self inflicted' problems pay for thier treatment, whether thats through cigarettes, alcohol, or obesity.

Sod local buisnesses, really why bother? Go to the bigger supermarkets and they stock pretty much everything you could need, all in one place, and at really good prices as they can bulk buy in massive quantities. A lot of the bigger ones even have butchers/fishmongers/bakers etc in store anyway. And you can be certain to go to anywhere in England and find a supermarket from a chain with exactly what you want in it. Maybe not a problem for the majority of you, but for those of us with limited food choices it's a big plus point.

100% British produce - yes if its the right price and people are willing to pay.....however we all know that importing stuff is much cheaper these days, so we get lower prices, which at the end of the day is what we're all after. Yes once a week you might go and buy an expensive lump of meat for your Sunday dinner, but you wouldn't do it everyday as it'd cost too much. Why does it cost too much? Because British people want more money for doing thier job. Why do they want more money? Becuase the cost of living is ever increasing. Its a viscious circle that will NEVER end.

As for JSA/benefits, not sure your system would work Dec, but it does need sorting out (mainly because I don't fall into any of their categories!). And housing should somehow be made easier for all young people, not just the ones that are pregnant. If I had a baby I would have a house and be rolling in money now.....and don't tell me thats crap becuase I've watched several people from school do exactly that!
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(19-03-2013, 03:08 PM)declantg Wrote: Also IMO we need a huge push for solar/ wind power. I was told by a friend that we have 40 years of fossil fuel left, why aren't we preparing?

We are preparing, there is a huge offshire wind farm being built of the north east coast in-between us and Denmark. Not to mention all the other ones being built around you don't see them because people throw fits because it "ruins" their view out the window etc
Solar power wise, it's got a lot of government backing and funding but most people aren't interested in going through the effort/putting any of their own money in it. Plus I'm sure ive read somewhere the oil to produce a solar panel contains more energy than you get out of the panel in its lifetime. Though that might have been the early models.
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(19-03-2013, 03:18 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Cigarettes and alcohol DO affect all of us - they put thousands of people in hospital each year, and obviously all that treatment is paid for by tax payers. Plus they're taking up ambulances and beds that other people with non self inflicted problems need. They should really stop selling them altogether if they're so bad for you - except then they'd lose a massive amount of tax so they won't do that! IMO the better option would be to make people with 'self inflicted' problems pay for thier treatment, whether thats through cigarettes, alcohol, or obesity.

Sod local buisnesses, really why bother? Go to the bigger supermarkets and they stock pretty much everything you could need, all in one place, and at really good prices as they can bulk buy in massive quantities. A lot of the bigger ones even have butchers/fishmongers/bakers etc in store anyway. And you can be certain to go to anywhere in England and find a supermarket from a chain with exactly what you want in it. Maybe not a problem for the majority of you, but for those of us with limited food choices it's a big plus point.

100% British produce - yes if its the right price and people are willing to pay.....however we all know that importing stuff is much cheaper these days, so we get lower prices, which at the end of the day is what we're all after. Yes once a week you might go and buy an expensive lump of meat for your Sunday dinner, but you wouldn't do it everyday as it'd cost too much. Why does it cost too much? Because British people want more money for doing thier job. Why do they want more money? Becuase the cost of living is ever increasing. Its a viscious circle that will NEVER end.

As for JSA/benefits, not sure your system would work Dec, but it does need sorting out (mainly because I don't fall into any of their categories!). And housing should somehow be made easier for all young people, not just the ones that are pregnant. If I had a baby I would have a house and be rolling in money now.....and don't tell me thats crap becuase I've watched several people from school do exactly that!

Lets have a baby Tom.
But in all seriousness I completely agree with you on cigarettes. Not so much on the supermarkets, I just think supermarkets are taking advantage of their convenience!
Life is only going to get more expensive and that sucks, but it's going to happen.

Steve I was unaware of that offshore site, but I'm glad it's being built Smile and I'm unsure on that about the panels so might google that.

Don't wind turbines cut off at a certain speed though?
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(19-03-2013, 03:16 PM)ginge191 Wrote: /facepalm.

Sorry, again, we have 40 years of fossil fuels which we have uncovered; i think we've discovered 3% of the earths reserves? something like that...
there are a LOT of fossil and non-renewable energy sources around that we havn't un-covered yet.

Secondly, why havn't we prepared? Because the government can't tax air/water/sun.

I think it was Hitler that once said something along the lines of "to rule the world, you must find a way to tax whats free" ?

It's not the point though. we're using the reserves that are easier to remove. Once they're gone we're looking at more expensive fuels anyway.

Wind imo is a bit of a red-herring. The capacity factor isn't high enough to be able to rely on them for a substantial portion of the power.

The best thing imo is to start looking at Nuclear. And without starting to bang on about my job, people seriously need to start to look at how they use their energy. The government are in the process (they've been delaying and changing it for the last 2 years) of implementing grants for renewable heating whereby you can get a full repayment on an entire heating system in 3 years, and the grants are available for 7 years after commissioning. so you're looking at a hefty return on investment if you put the right thing in already. And the beauty of heatpump systems is they're on for long periods of time, meaning it's good for smoothing out power demands. hence you can increase the % of energy generated by less fossil-fuel intensive sources such as nuclear, without having to ramp up and down at short notice.

Things like PV will also help, as they can delay or smooth spikes in demand on a house by house basis, rather than the current situation of requiring the top % of the grid to have really short response time, and hence a reliance on Gas (which has the fastest black-start response time of all generation fuels).

The solution to the energy industry whether people agree with climate change or not is a combination of alternative technologies both on a microgeneration scale and on a large commercial scale. The benefits of this on its own means more oil available for petrol and diesel, so we can go for longer with our cars!!

(19-03-2013, 03:19 PM)lolsteve Wrote: We are preparing, there is a huge offshire wind farm being built of the north east coast in-between us and Denmark. Not to mention all the other ones being built around you don't see them because people throw fits because it "ruins" their view out the window etc
Solar power wise, it's got a lot of government backing and funding but most people aren't interested in going through the effort/putting any of their own money in it. Plus I'm sure ive read somewhere the oil to produce a solar panel contains more energy than you get out of the panel in its lifetime. Though that might have been the early models.

They did round 3 of the offshore Crown Territories auction a year or so ago didn't they?

Solar PV tech has improved massively in recent years. The government got it wrong when incentivising it intially, and the system was prone to abuse. Hence why they pulled the funding a year ago completely. They have obviously addressed the flaws and are offering incentivisation once more, but the down-side is there is less money to incentivise consumers to commit to it. It's still well worthwhile going for it though imo...
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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I sincerely hope someone keeps their XUD for another 40 years.
When people are fighting over fuel they can coal past on veg with Trollololol playing loudly
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(19-03-2013, 03:27 PM)Ed Doe Wrote:
(19-03-2013, 03:16 PM)ginge191 Wrote: /facepalm.

Sorry, again, we have 40 years of fossil fuels which we have uncovered; i think we've discovered 3% of the earths reserves? something like that...
there are a LOT of fossil and non-renewable energy sources around that we havn't un-covered yet.

Secondly, why havn't we prepared? Because the government can't tax air/water/sun.

I think it was Hitler that once said something along the lines of "to rule the world, you must find a way to tax whats free" ?

It's not the point though. we're using the reserves that are easier to remove. Once they're gone we're looking at more expensive fuels anyway.

Ohh don't for a second think im all for using non-renewable reserves, i'm not, sorry if it came across that way, was just pointing out the bigger picture ThumbsUp
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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(19-03-2013, 03:27 PM)Ed Doe Wrote: The solution to the energy industry whether people agree with climate change or not is a combination of alternative technologies both on a microgeneration scale and on a large commercial scale. The benefits of this on its own means more oil available for petrol and diesel, so we can go for longer with our cars!!

I agree with Ed for a change! Wind is pretty useless considering how many turbines you need just to produce the same amount of energy as a nuclear plant like Sizewell near here. And waves again, yeah theres loads of waves, but it doesn't make much power either. And then theres solar panels which again aren't a lot of use. However if all new houses were built with solar panels and maybe a small wind turbine on each one, it would make a huge difference. Theres already a system in place where you can get free solar panels and save a tonne of money (although they're tied to the house for 10 years even if you move, which is why many people wont have them atm). Have a few wind farms and wave farms (if thats the correct term) then just use the nice clean nuclear power to 'top up', save all the coal burning and CO2 emmisions.

However I don't agree with the part about cars. I mean fossil fueled cars? The things that cause the most amount of emmisions and use loads of non-renewable energy sources?? This should be tackled straight away, not 'family' electric cars, they're just a con for several reasons (building costs, heavy weight ruining roads despite paying no tax, poor range, etc) but hydrogen imo is the way forward. It would cost a lot to put a hydrogen pump in each garage, and the cars would be expensive at first...but shell and BP take enough bloody money anyway, they should be putting it into new tech!!

And before you moan, that would then allow 'conventional' cars to be kept for recreation. Petrol prices would drop as fewer people would need it so the supply and demand thing comes into play. And you'd have your hydrogen (or electric if you just wanted a cheap town runaround) car for the everyday stuff. People used to ride horses for work, working fields and transporting things, but now they've been left for recreation, personally I don't like horses, but regardless, people that do enjoy them, still have their fun. And this is the way I can see cars going in a few decades.
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50% more tax on veg oil.
Custom roll cages/shiny suspension bits/general fabrication work undertaken, PM me.
Top engine mount repair/reinforcement/chocking for cracked chassis and high powered cars, drive in, drive out, 2 hour turnaround.
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Definitely Tom, cars will be a toy in a few decades, god knows what's going to replace them.

Hydrogen has it's benefits but is also highly dangerous, if a hydrogen station blew up it would be a disaster. When we figure out a secure storage method it will be better. Wasn't there also research into pond algae? Think it was shell funded iirc, may be wrong.

Biggest problem I think is that people need to realise humans are not the center of the universe. The earth has frozen over long before we were born. And IMO it will happen again and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Controversial I know..
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Instead of just handing out benefits in money form give them vouchers for supermarkets, that wont cover alcohol or cigarettes for that they need to do xx amount of hours work, also get the fudge out of the EU and sack our border patrol get the austrailians over here if you not contributing turn round and go home not claim britain as a home because its a free ride.

I have a friend who claimed it was disgusting because the social were gonna drop his money because they claim he's fit for work so he went back downthe doctors got a sicknote handed it to them and got his benefits reinstated, yet me and my mrs must be doing 50-60 hour weeks for fun then, i dont drink but i do smoke(just tobacco) yet he gets through god knows how much weed and always offers me a cigarette not a roll up when i visit, better off not working i cant afford to smoke cigarettes daily grrrrr

You cant fix britain its too late doors have been open too long, trying to change the rules now would just cause riots, we just need to sit back and watch it go to hell, failing that, just have 11 kids each and get a free mansion
Click to see how smokey is doing Tongue ----> Project Smokey
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(19-03-2013, 03:47 PM)Toms306 Wrote: I agree with Ed for a change! Wind is pretty useless considering how many turbines you need just to produce the same amount of energy as a nuclear plant like Sizewell near here. And waves again, yeah theres loads of waves, but it doesn't make much power either. And then theres solar panels which again aren't a lot of use. However if all new houses were built with solar panels and maybe a small wind turbine on each one, it would make a huge difference. Theres already a system in place where you can get free solar panels and save a tonne of money (although they're tied to the house for 10 years even if you move, which is why many people wont have them atm). Have a few wind farms and wave farms (if thats the correct term) then just use the nice clean nuclear power to 'top up', save all the coal burning and CO2 emmisions.

However I don't agree with the part about cars. I mean fossil fueled cars? The things that cause the most amount of emmisions and use loads of non-renewable energy sources?? This should be tackled straight away, not 'family' electric cars, they're just a con for several reasons (building costs, heavy weight ruining roads despite paying no tax, poor range, etc) but hydrogen imo is the way forward. It would cost a lot to put a hydrogen pump in each garage, and the cars would be expensive at first...but shell and BP take enough bloody money anyway, they should be putting it into new tech!!

And before you moan, that would then allow 'conventional' cars to be kept for recreation. Petrol prices would drop as fewer people would need it so the supply and demand thing comes into play. And you'd have your hydrogen (or electric if you just wanted a cheap town runaround) car for the everyday stuff. People used to ride horses for work, working fields and transporting things, but now they've been left for recreation, personally I don't like horses, but regardless, people that do enjoy them, still have their fun. And this is the way I can see cars going in a few decades.

[Image: summer_winter_Original(1).png]

This shows what I mean about the different types of power. By increasing the predictable baseload, we can increase reliance on more consistent power, which for me has to be Nuclear currently, as there isn't enough consistency in any other tech right now. Smoothing out those peaks would mean the ability to greatly increase the %, and introducing some method of energy storage in the home would also assist this (but now we're getting into smart grids etc).
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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You really only need a couple of changes.

American style prison sentences. If you commit a crime you will go to prison for a very long time.

No JSA/other benefits. Everybody who wants a job can have a job at least 2 days a week to earn their money apart from the recently unemployed who should be given a couple of months to look for a new job (max of 2 months a year) make people sweep the streets or fix some pot holes or rebuild our railways.

Give child benefit at the rate of what you get currently for having 2 or 3 children irregardless of how many children you have. This will encourage poor people to only have 1 child.

Harder driving tests.

f*ck off the immigrants. If we don't have enough jobs for everyone who belongs here then im sorry but its only fair that we give the limited jobs to indigenous population of this country and immigrants will be allowed if they posess some skills that the country requires.

More immigration detention centers. Every asylum seeker shall be kept locked up until they are given leave to remain cos then we can deport them easily rather than searching for someone who has dissapeared and changed their name. It will be cheaper in the long run and it will make sure that we can feed them rather than giving money etc. It also makes jobs feeding them, building the centers etc.
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Wots with everybody taxing more, f*ck tax's, we pay enough for food, drink and fuel as it is

This may annoy those but its not ment to

First, those who have moved to this country and haven't found jobs inside 2 months, kick them the f*ck back out, their only taking our money and not putting back, that goes for ones that are living here atm aswell

Cut aid, we pay aid to countrys that are richer than us, who have space programs and shit, cut it, infact just stop doing it to richer countrys all together, got a space program, great, stop takin our fuckin money

Also since their always telling us to take cuts, cut their pay aswell, they done such a gd job f*cking this place up they don't deserve big pay

By that time the countrys saving billions, therefore tax's can be cut, meaning we arnt paying as much and therefore buying more, meaning they are still making as much, we arnt all complaining about the price of a loaf of bread or a pack of fag's

Put a cap on bankers bonus's aswell, should help the interest rates and will be easier on first time buyers for houses

That's my veiw on a couple bits anyway Smile
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This is becoming more about harnessing renewable energy than the state of the country.

Sadly that is where a lot of legislation comes from, we pay millions in taxes every year for driving cars which damage the environment whilst China soldiers on regardless.

(19-03-2013, 03:50 PM)Rippthrough Wrote: 50% more tax on veg oil.

100% more...
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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(19-03-2013, 04:21 PM)C.A.R. Wrote:
(19-03-2013, 03:50 PM)Rippthrough Wrote: 50% more tax on veg oil.

100% more...

I hope you 2 are both being ironic and trying to troll the stupid......

..........but just in case.....

.....You do know that there isn't a single penny of tax paid on veg oil, not even VAT so even if you tax it 1,000,000,000% more it'll still cost the same cos 1,000,000,000% of f*ck all is still f*ck all.
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