
Registration Date: 10-06-2015
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 10-11-2024 at 06:48 AM
Status: Offline

jordanhdi's Forum Info
Joined: 10-06-2015
Last Visit: 21-10-2016, 12:12 AM
Total Posts: 25 (0.01 posts per day | 0 percent of total posts)
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Time Spent Online: 11 Hours, 32 Seconds
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Additional Info About jordanhdi
Sex: Male
Location: Taunton
Car Model/Spec: 306 1.9 D'Turbo
Bio: Did own a 306 hdi got a bit bored of having to spend money on getting it tuned etc. So bought a cheap 1.9 xud with the pump tune and turbo already done, it was cheap for a reason, new clutch and axle was needed. All round tidy car. I am a fully qualified mechanic in light vehicle.