Magenta Sunset
(Starting to Live for the 306)

Registration Date: 07-06-2015
Date of Birth: Hidden (62 years old)
Local Time: 12-12-2024 at 11:20 AM
Status: (Hidden)

Magenta Sunset's Forum Info
Joined: 07-06-2015
Last Visit: (Hidden)
Total Posts: 1,484 (0.43 posts per day | 0.24 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 101 (0.03 threads per day | 0.28 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: (Hidden)
Reputation: 2 [Details]
Additional Info About Magenta Sunset
Sex: Female
Location: Oxfordshire
Car Model/Spec: 306HDi 90 LX
Bio: on my 2nd Pug, previous was 1.8 205 GRD

Magenta Sunset's Signature
It goes, it stops (as reqd). Makeup
Hate Housework!