when im driving i can feel the wheels skip or grab maybe how to explain it?
i know theres play in passenger side front wheel will this be it and whats most likely cause bottom arm?
crap tyres on a wet road?!
its drive shaft fooked just had it checked
I was gunna say, mine did this, steering wheel pulls out of your hand, car feels like its trying to kill you
yer its inner cv and bairings shagged it doesnt pull wheel a lot but you feel it snatch one off the front wheels
Im getting this at certain times....same issue...inner shaft joint...
Did it clonk at all? mines feels skittish as fook driving. I don't remember if it was like that last year or not, but had generally put it down to the camber of the roads I drive... Easy way to check this?
no clonking for me...usually the outer ones clonk more than inners.
try twisting the shaft while wheels in the ground...feel for play and then work out which joint its in