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    Thread: 207 hdi sport - smokey on startup
Post: RE: 207 hdi sport - smokey on startup

Toms306 Wrote: (26-01-2019, 09:13 AM) -- Glow plugs do kick in at pretty much every start on the 1.6 HDi.   The dash light is not linked directly to them, it is purely timed (so the light comes on...
ginge191 DW10 HDi section 8 4,338 27-01-2019, 07:31 AM
    Thread: 207 hdi sport - smokey on startup
Post: RE: 207 hdi sport - smokey on startup

I don't think glow plugs even kick in until a really low tempearature - I have no glow plug light come on
ginge191 DW10 HDi section 8 4,338 26-01-2019, 07:41 AM
    Thread: 207 hdi sport - smokey on startup
Post: 207 hdi sport - smokey on startup

Long time no speak!  I've fallen into the drivers seat of a Peugeot... Been a while!  It's a 207 1.6 hdi sport and has a few white puffs on startup, and stinks of derv. It clears once its runnin...
ginge191 DW10 HDi section 8 4,338 24-01-2019, 07:15 PM
    Thread: Back in a Peugeot
Post: RE: Back in a Peugeot

Split tailgate, pretty much a discovery... Good. Effort.
ginge191 The Couch 17 7,286 11-11-2018, 09:08 PM
    Thread: Iron out
Post: RE: Iron out

Is it iron or tar fallout? Tar remover - get on Autosmart Tardis Iron - there's a million and one iron fallout removes, but EZ Reigning Iron is decent stuff.
ginge191 Interior, Exterior, ICE 4 2,312 08-04-2018, 06:06 PM
    Thread: VW content. Be warned.
Post: RE: VW content. Be warned.

Eeyore Wrote: (27-03-2018, 09:53 AM) -- D: at least its a good model. may well be a classic in the future. -- The mk4 R32's still fetch a pretty penny. They're so nice to drive. I didn't want a gol...
ginge191 Projects 4 2,626 27-03-2018, 03:49 PM
    Thread: VW content. Be warned.
Post: VW content. Be warned.

I know, i know... it's not French, or diesel... or even boosted for that matter... Collected this at the weekend. Golf R32. 3.2 V6. DSG. Completely standard, which was a job to find! Will b...
ginge191 Projects 4 2,626 26-03-2018, 07:33 PM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

gti6man Wrote: (06-12-2017, 02:48 PM) -- Only just seen this, the latest standard I believe is 'C' so anything with 802.11ac will have the fastest speed for the devices which are compatible. Not sure...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 15-12-2017, 09:49 PM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

So, BT are sending me a new one as this router is crashing every 2 minutes now. If that then fails. I'll seek a new router all together
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 28-11-2017, 06:44 PM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

gti6man Wrote: (16-11-2017, 12:32 AM) -- I would get a £50-60 Netgear/tp link/asus router, the BT ones are crap from my experience and are always failing. Try it if it doesnt resolve the issue then r...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 18-11-2017, 07:22 AM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

17:38:52, 15 Nov. : PPPoE error: timeout 17:38:51, 15 Nov. :HTTP UserBasic login from successfully 17:38:51, 15 Nov. :HTTP UserBasic login from successfully 17:38:51, 1...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 15-11-2017, 05:45 PM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

306carter Wrote: (09-11-2017, 07:13 AM) -- Guessing your router is set to DHCP? There’s no IP address conflicts? Have you tried a hard reset on your router, using the reset button on the back. Al...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 09-11-2017, 07:20 AM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

TommiePuglet Wrote: (08-11-2017, 07:33 AM) -- So its defo the router if it is, it could be a bad router that cant handle load as per say. Have you tried calling BT and making a complaint seeing if th...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 08-11-2017, 09:00 PM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: RE: Home network problem - crashing router

Update: read this article: It says i should " invest in a good quali...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 04-11-2017, 04:54 PM
    Thread: Home network problem - crashing router
Post: Home network problem - crashing router

Forgive me ... my home technology seems to be forever crashing. We've got a BT smart hub - this hub has different colour styles to identify differently problems. My main PC (and the cause of t...
ginge191 The Couch 17 8,137 04-11-2017, 07:42 AM
    Thread: Software wizards - dieing PC
Post: RE: Software wizards - dieing PC

Thanks for all the advice - tried the above, after task manager taking a good 15 minutes to load, there's nothing jumping out at me - a LOT of system host processes going. Thanks Fooby , but the PC...
ginge191 The Couch 5 1,798 30-10-2017, 05:51 PM
    Thread: Software wizards - dieing PC
Post: Software wizards - dieing PC

So sounds relatively simple.  PC was working lovely - runs from a SSD, quad core, decent spec PC on Win10 But for some reason, today, whenever I launch anything, the hard drive light remains con...
ginge191 The Couch 5 1,798 29-10-2017, 02:26 PM
    Thread: 2 x Bosch VE pumps
Post: RE: 2 x Bosch VE pumps

Mole man Wrote: (09-09-2017, 03:46 PM) -- How much for the second pump posted mate? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk -- £40 posted?
ginge191 Parts 2 2,145 16-09-2017, 08:03 PM
    Thread: Whats happened to all the cheap cars!!
Post: RE: Whats happened to all the cheap cars!!

Amen to this thread.
ginge191 The Couch 23 10,868 01-09-2017, 06:47 PM
    Thread: If I had £1 every time someone said....
Post: RE: If I had £1 every time someone said....

These are brilliant!
ginge191 The Couch 23 9,999 23-08-2017, 06:51 PM
    Thread: 2 x Bosch VE pumps
Post: 2 x Bosch VE pumps

Two Bosch's for sale - one is a Semi - ECU pump The other is a standard mechanical , 9mm unmodified pump. Unsure on either internal condition. THey have been inside a shed , with some diesel in eac...
ginge191 Parts 2 2,145 23-08-2017, 04:52 PM
    Thread: If I had £1 every time someone said....
Post: If I had £1 every time someone said....

Finish it off. What really winds you up in your line of work! My other line of work, i do car detailing. "ha, mate, i'll bring mine round and you can do that as well, ha"
ginge191 The Couch 23 9,999 23-08-2017, 06:56 AM
    Thread: Dum-Dum's Impreza Prodrive
Post: RE: Dum-Dum's Impreza Prodrive

So, what are you dealing? Crack?
ginge191 Projects 28 10,789 17-08-2017, 10:38 AM
    Thread: Is thickness of radiator important?
Post: RE: Is thickness of radiator important?

zx_volcane Wrote: (16-07-2017, 07:50 AM) -- thicker is better  --
ginge191 XUD Section 10 3,244 16-07-2017, 01:22 PM
    Thread: What do you work as?
Post: RE: What do you work as?

Eeyore Wrote: (14-07-2017, 10:16 AM) -- Was given a 1.4 306 by my grandparents as a first car and then just kept buying them whenever they broke or whenever there was a bargain or upgrade to be had. ...
ginge191 The Couch 33 6,340 16-07-2017, 09:11 AM