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coilpack voltage - Printable Version

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coilpack voltage - grantpipe - 16-05-2015

I'm having trouble with car not running on all cylinders it uses the xsi coilpack which I replaced because it was damaged then I checked the plug on the loom for the coilpack with a multimeter . Pins 1 and 3 show a good 12.79 volts but pin 2 only puts out  0.79 volts. Should it be 12 aswell or is there a reason it doesn't.  And is there any sensors that would Cause it

RE: coilpack voltage - Niall - 16-05-2015

Hmmm something not right i don't think.
From memory, pin one is cylinder 1&4, pin two is cylinder 2&3 and pin 3 is your constant 12v supply (at least this is how it is on mine which uses a xsi coil pack!) How have you been measuring the voltage on these cables?

Are you using a coil on plug coil pack like this

[Image: IMG_3619_zpszygzjqqf.jpg]

Or coil pack and leads like this

[Image: null_zpsd486797b.jpg]

Both are known to break down over time but the latter is particularly bad! Im assuming this is on standard management?

RE: coilpack voltage - grantpipe - 16-05-2015

yeah its the single piece xsi coil that's on it,
that would make sense because number 1 and 4 are sparking but 3 and 4 isn't and its oin 2 on the plug which is showing the low voltage , I am checking it with a voltmeter with the ignition on, should it be different when car is cranking over?

I found damage on the original coilpack so assumed that was the problem so replaced it yesterday with brand new item and still no spark on 2 and 3

and last problem is no not standard ecu runs a omex 3 dimensional system which I know is outdated but no way off checking if faulty

RE: coilpack voltage - Niall - 16-05-2015

Ah. Mine runs a omex 600 and I had the exact same issue as you. Turned out to be a coil driver. Get it sent back to Omex. They are so helpful and can put it on their test bench.

RE: coilpack voltage - grantpipe - 16-05-2015

yeah I had suspected the ecu may be faulty after all it is prity ancient lol
ive enquired a few places about a new 600 ecu and loom at the moment
does anybody have any advice on wheres best to purchase a omex 600 and can you buy a plug and go loom or do they all have to be made to each car

RE: coilpack voltage - Niall - 16-05-2015

I bought mine direct from Omex. Have a word with them. They may do a deal on a ecu and loom
No one makes a loom adaptor unfortunately. You've got to build a new loom however you could probably just buy the multiplug from Omex and take the pins out of your old one and into that