Hey Guys just putting the pics of the pugs on the stand.
Anyway events that happened...
I was struggling to fill the air bed up so Puglove had the idea of using my exhaust to pump it.. 6 revs later it was fully inflated and ready to sleep on..
Kingy raped half the fields sheep..
Everyone Said my sausage tasted good
Kentiiboii chundered..
Mrs Puglove fell asleep at 8.30pm
And photos..
More pics..
Doing us proud chaps! good efforts!

Sorry if I didn't get good shots on all cars.. My phones battery was on like 4% and I was rushing while it didn't rain!!
LMAO at the ring picture!
Final ones I can find on my phone
You got my pictures of my dads 306? :/.
Great weekend camping was brilliant! Sheep were gagging for it!
Morning was rough!
Show was great! Cars looked great everyone doing us proud! Shame we had 1 missing but never mind bought a Astra in its place!
Nice to meet everyone that came!
Once again guys, thanks for turning up and making it a grate weekend
good to see you all
It was 10.30!! not 8.30
Those sheep scared me lol.
Was a good night and good day, thanks for everyone who came and again thank you to the guys from gti6 forum as well

The sheep made the night! They was well up or the party!
Yah it was lovely to meet everyone, 1st of many OC meets for me

Looks like a good turnout in the end, thanks guys

I'm glad you all had a good time. Special thanks go to Jamie for all his work getting in contact with the event and sorting camping, I hope someone got him a couple of beers camping last night! I'll owe you one for the Christmas meet

(02-09-2012, 06:05 PM)Mrs puglove Wrote: [ -> ]It was 10.30!! not 8.30 
Those sheep scared me lol.
Was a good night and good day, thanks for everyone who came and again thank you to the guys from gti6 forum as well 
Thanks for letting my use your camping kettle

was gasping for a cuppa in the morning lol!
Thanks to jamie and kyle and the BBQ as well.

couldn't find a take away anywhere.
Haha wasn't expecting any pics of my wagon cab. Lol.

(04-09-2012, 01:24 AM)Dan J Wrote: [ -> ]Haha wasn't expecting any pics of my wagon cab. Lol. 
I did have some of yours from the front but someone kept walking in front of the camera repeatedly .. Looking back now I should have drop kicked the twat
When I was taking pictures of the stand I had people stood in the middle staring at me as if there trying to figure out what I'm snapping at!
Kyle could i please have the pic from your sig mate? PM me it if you dont want to make it public

(04-09-2012, 04:47 PM)puglove Wrote: [ -> ]Kyle could i please have the pic from your sig mate? PM me it if you dont want to make it public 
Its on the first post about the 12th pic down

Need camping carnage piccies
(04-09-2012, 05:55 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: [ -> ]Need camping carnage piccies
We didn't take any camping pics unfortunately...
Although there's probably a video of Kingy or Kentiiboii having a threesome with the sheep on redtube

That sheep was a right dirty bitch!
She did nothing but bahh after though like most women!
Looked on the trax website galleried found a few ones of us guys
There's a pic of me and tom getting stuck in at sticker shopping lol
Kentiiboii renacting that scene from titanic haha
Gonna keep digging...
(10-09-2012, 08:02 PM)kyleo92 Wrote: [ -> ]Looked on the trax website galleried found a few ones of us guys
There's a pic of me and tom getting stuck in at sticker shopping lol
Kentiiboii renacting that scene from titanic haha 
Gonna keep digging...
Haha love it!