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Upload your ace cafe pics here dudes and dudettes.

Mine to follow

What an epic day,

Thank you to Scott, Kim, fooby for organising today

Fooby you took the demolition of your car well.
I wll get mine up when iv got my laptop, want to see the pics of mine on the way back Tongue
Nicely done guys !

Here are mine..

[Image: 23icsiq.jpg]


[Image: 2ew2wld.jpg]


[Image: 21ec4z9.jpg]


[Image: 347fp0m.jpg]


[Image: wsv8k8.jpg]


[Image: xml8qr.jpg]


[Image: 2cfsaz7.jpg]


[Image: 2meeb79.jpg]


[Image: 33d8had.jpg]


[Image: 2cpzt4y.jpg]

[Image: xpq87d.jpg]
looks like a sick day! Sam your car looks much better with the yellow fogs!
Like the photos?

Rep button *arghemmm*

Excuse me
Ed's car looks a little different, when did that happen? Huh
(04-08-2012, 08:29 PM)Andy Wrote: [ -> ]Like the photos?

Rep button *arghemmm*

Excuse me

You are such a rep whore
(04-08-2012, 08:49 PM)puglove Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-08-2012, 08:29 PM)Andy Wrote: [ -> ]Like the photos?

Rep button *arghemmm*

Excuse me

You are such a rep whore

Damn straight
Good to meet alot you today really enjoyed today chap Smile
Absolutely gutted I missed this - I will be at Trax! With the 6!

Absolutely gutted I missed this - I will be at Trax! With the 6!
Here's the ones from my phone

[Image: IMG_20120804_172350.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120804_182006.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120804_172357.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120804_182014.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120804_182022.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120804_182103.jpg]
There's one missing, which happens to be the best one! Tongue
Dunno what you're on about bro..
Yes I caught the sneaky edit.
Sorry I had to leave early .. looking forward to the next meet
Good man danny. Some good pics there Big Grin whats the Edit? Come andy spill lol

will get the ones of your car up later got some good ones of your and phils
The only pics I took
[Image: 5ac807b1-44c2-c49f.jpg]

[Image: 5ac807b1-44cf-9686.jpg]

[Image: 5ac807b1-44dc-861a.jpg]

[Image: 5ac807b1-44e9-88cd.jpg]

Ha ha didn't take any of cars not even mine lol
(05-08-2012, 09:46 AM)puglove Wrote: [ -> ]Good man danny. Some good pics there Big Grin whats the Edit? Come andy spill lol

will get the ones of your car up later got some good ones of your and phils

nothing mate, just danny editing the post he put up of your car.

Love the side/front pic of your car <3
Looks sexual
Cheers mate. she is sexy, just needs some 405 mi16 wheels the finish the side profile
I am enjoying thestealth bumming!

This is me getting done at work

[Image: 531532_10150890522912142_10584856_n.jpg]
[Image: IMG00156-20120804-1535.jpg]
[Image: IMG00155-20120804-1535.jpg]
[Image: IMG00154-20120804-1535.jpg]
[Image: IMG00153-20120804-1411.jpg]
It really was an awesome day guys, thanks to those who came along! Smile
(05-08-2012, 06:27 PM)sean-306 Wrote: [ -> ]I am enjoying thestealth bumming!

This is me getting done at work

[Image: 531532_10150890522912142_10584856_n.jpg]

No one enjoys strath bumming. It is an act not even the stealth bummer enjoys
Are you sure Samass doesn't enjoy it??
Cheers everyone Smile Glad you enjoyed the day! We had a great time seeing everyone. We'll organise one for early next year I reckon, though we'll be better organised and get make sure it's not on the same day as other car shows and also that we can get some traders involved (e.g. Dodo Juice, BakerBM, Compbrake, etc.).
Speak for yourself, Matt!

As per usual, i completely failed at getting any pictures. Awesome day though.
just to clear things up, i do love a good (stealth) bum.

oh and cheers Dec, i agree! Big Grin
my pictures finally...

fooby being locked in his own car...
niall being locked in foobys car... then destroying it haha
cullys car giving birth....
someone let this fool drive... Big Grin

and i suppose the reason why we were there...


samass pulled...
panorama time Big Grin

and this beaut turned up too
Nice pics phil i have a couple of yours when you briefly joined us on the way home
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