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(18-01-2014, 04:50 PM)Tom Wrote: [ -> ]Cant be THAT hard, it is just a cable.

It wont be hard job, but I recon its going to be a sod and a half to do.
(18-01-2014, 04:50 PM)Tom Wrote: [ -> ]Cant be THAT hard, it is just a cable.

Yeah but theres no access to get your hands in the right place AND the bung is too big to fit behind the AC pipes properly so it's a pita to seat...even bending the pipes out the way isn't great because that reduces the access space even more lol. And if you don't seat it right you get an annoying boost leak noise in the footwell...

It's doable, just not as easy as you'd expect a cable to be!
Oh yeah that big grommet round the steering UJ, i use my foot to push that in, its hard work with your hands lol
No, the bung on the clutch cable that fits under the brake servo so you cant even see it! lol
ordered my new discs and pads, so those are going to be part 4. then its a case of getting a replacement driveshaft and seal.
well my pads have come, and I have got some rose jointed drop links to go on the car, but with the weather been cold and wet. I have to hold off sorting the clutch cable out!
I may look at replacing the driver side brake calioper as I suspect that's causing the scoring. the passanger side was replaced the 1st time around.
Bloody weather.
(25-01-2014, 04:00 PM)Tom Wrote: [ -> ]Bloody weather.

yeah, we have had only one great day, that was when I did the centre console and I started the rocker cover gasket change, which took well over a week, again due to weather!
I have had to put this back on the road again, as its too wet to do anything! i forgot how well it drove! having a decent blower, and handling! also i don't need to fight like f*ck with the wheel to do a 3 point turn!
The weather is a shitter, I have a to-do list but the weather stops me Sad
(02-02-2014, 12:07 AM)devils_fuel Wrote: [ -> ]The weather is a shitter, I have a to-do list but the weather stops me Sad

its taking the piss now! I have a list of parts to go on the 306! I have now started to collect a few odds and sods for the metro too! I am going to be f*ck layed up fitting all this! I have even took hols to start shit, and that's just turned out to be a joke, due to the weather!
right ok, heres a few photos of some of the goodies that are ready to go on the car,

that's my new discs and pads, droplinks.

[Image: 20140127133121_zps79776a74-1.jpg]

my new boot carpet too

[Image: 20140127133012_zps91ff336a-1.jpg]

anyway, got a break in the weather today, so I thought id crack on with the a job.
that was fit the rose jointed droplinks,
what a **** on getting the old ones off! the passanger side just say unwound off!

droplinks prepped

[Image: 20140203114645_zpsc4fddd0e-1.jpg]

don't worry, I sorted the sliver parts.

old one off

[Image: 20140203132331_zps5557710f-1.jpg]

and new one in place

[Image: 20140203133350_zps29a58ae6-1.jpg]

done the same on the other side, I think I have got the front arb more stiffer now, as these have been wound up smaller than the oem crap.
Feel better?
(06-02-2014, 12:16 AM)devils_fuel Wrote: [ -> ]Feel better?

yeah, the front end feels more tighter, plus i don't have to worry about those shitty balljointed crap anymore! f*cking sods to get off once there were on!
new replacement shaft was fitted last weekend, and so far we are good! I think I need to adjust the droplinks. but still waiting on a good dry day, so I can do the linkages clutch cable and new discs and pads.
how much were/where did you get those drop links bud? Look funky.
(18-02-2014, 10:41 AM)mcglynn Wrote: [ -> ]how much were/where did you get those drop links bud? Look funky.

I got them from here
give the geezer a message to see if he has another batch made up.
how much did you pay, if you dont mind me asking?

I had originally thought, 40 or so not 80 lol!

it'd take me a while getting through 8 pairs of droplinks tbf
(18-02-2014, 03:00 PM)mcglynn Wrote: [ -> ]how much did you pay, if you dont mind me asking?

I had originally thought, 40 or so not 80 lol!

it'd take me a while getting through 8 pairs of droplinks tbf

I paid 80 quid, as they adjustable. better over the standard plastic crap, and the ball jointed system!
hmm couldn't justify that for a car that wont see the track etc, just me personally though they look like a good bitta kit!
(18-02-2014, 03:48 PM)mcglynn Wrote: [ -> ]hmm couldn't justify that for a car that wont see the track etc, just me personally though they look like a good bitta kit!

tbh I bought these for due to how crap the oem parts are, plus these will last longer too. mine wont see a track,
well its test is due next week so we will see if she passes or fails,
got the discs and pads to go on still, but been busy at work and with other stuff.
I haven't had the time, to fit those yet.
I did have a spare 30 mins, so I decided to sort out the grotty boot carpet once and for all! I managed to get hold of one, it looks like an older boot carpet,( all black) but I don't care! as my boot hasn't never been the same since I put an engine in the back of it! also I have had some oil leak in onto the boot carpet too,. So I have had enough!!
[Image: 20140303134632_zpsf0c697da-1.jpg]

so I emptied what was in the boot, and stripped the rest out.

I scrapped this as it was full of oil stains and smelling like hell!
[Image: 20140303142622_zps7683eda1-1.jpg]

then layed the old ****ed carpet back in place,
[Image: 20140303134627_zps74bfcf4f-1.jpg]
then fitted the new one on top.
[Image: 20140303142617_zpsc1cc4af3-1.jpg]

the boot looks more fresher than it did!
also blagged these on ebay too!

[Image: 20140304175036_zpsada04d06-1.jpg]

[Image: 20140304175105_zpsc7c1cc24-1.jpg]

covers the shell and suspension!!! better than the shitty Haynes manual!
I have these type of manuals for the metro too, laugh is I could write that now! as got hold of them after I have put the car together, but still handy to have, as I know the old tricks and trades!
Looking good. been doing cam belt on my moonstone, finish it tomorrow.
Car is up for sale though as I now bought a gti6 going to be sad to see it go. Got 2 people looking at it tomorrow when cam belt is done.

How much was the carpet from Peugeot? I need a new one for the gti6, was looking at full second hand gti6 boot and floor mats on ebay for £50 think it'll be worth it.
(05-03-2014, 08:33 PM)kentiiboii Wrote: [ -> ]Looking good. been doing cam belt on my moonstone, finish it tomorrow.
Car is up for sale though as I now bought a gti6 going to be sad to see it go. Got 2 people looking at it tomorrow when cam belt is done.

How much was the carpet from Peugeot? I need a new one for the gti6, was looking at full second hand gti6 boot and floor mats on ebay for £50 think it'll be worth it.

the carpet costed just shy of 23 quid posted from ebay, I found it by browsing for bits for the car and snapped it up.
sometimes I do wish I got a rally instead of f*cking about with metros, As the 306 is a full blown package and a half! I drove a well sorted HDi and that just puts my vvc to shame!
That's not bad then, think I'll go for the gti6 ones I seen. Yeah went in my dad's gti6 today and my hdi feels much nippier cos you got the torque. :-)
(05-03-2014, 10:09 PM)kentiiboii Wrote: [ -> ]That's not bad then, think I'll go for the gti6 ones I seen. Yeah went in my dad's gti6 today and my hdi feels much nippier cos you got the torque. :-)

one thing you cannot beat torque and boost! I used to kick my Dturbo all over just for the feel off the boost!
Yeah that's it, it got a good hooning but was kind of boring till about 4k then it got fun :-) so normal driving you don't use the power lol
(06-03-2014, 01:11 AM)kentiiboii Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah that's it, it got a good hooning but was kind of boring till about 4k then it got fun :-) so normal driving you don't use the power lol

I would love to wind this up a little bit, but I have the rover metro that is highly strung. I would more than happy to start and build another 306 as a sleeper. As no one would suspect a 5 door in standard trim haha!
she passed her mot, but sadly i have to get the front inner arch welded, i will have to take a photo, also a few other things to go this week too.
Well done on it passing mate Smile
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